RCMC | Lilongwe, Malawi
A mission to create a medical center that makes patients healthier.
The opportunity to not only create an important source of medical and health access to the community, but also a chance to redefine how such structures are built, sourced and used. A case for eliminating both pre and post-construction waste as well as laying down a marker for post-occupancy, sustainability, resiliency and circularity.
Objective: Create a Medical center and living campus where the bulk of open green space is given back to the site. Roof gardens, farming and public space permeate thru-out the complex and will include a residential development for local residences to stay for extended periods as well as dormitory capabilities for medical students at the Academy.
There will be limited access for motor vehicles, and that is by design. This is meant to be a living, sustainable medical campus and development in which nearby residents, farmers and villagers to coexist and thrive. The complex is also meant to attract nature and gather valuable natural resources through the use of solar, wind and water capture as well as native species of birds, pollinating insects and various organisms to help further strengthen the local biosystem where possible.
Hospital suites will be devised for future expansional capability as the facility grows over time and the overarching strategy will be to reduce if not eliminate pre and post-construction waste vis-a-vis rammed-earth and modular solutions.
Client: Rose Chisowa Medical Corp. | Location: Lilongwe, Malawi | Total Floor Area: 500,000 ft2/50,000m2 | Budget: Confidential | Status: Schematic Phase, 2020-Ongoing
Project Coordinator: Omnia Global Group, Detroit/Austin | Concept Design: HTDSTUDIO, Howard Duffy, Principal, Project Director | Geo/Site Coordination: Migani Vision Consultants, San Diego, USA | Site Management: Owens Chirambo, Lilongwe, Malawi | Drone Survey: Unrivaled Studio Lilongwe, Malawi
The selected site in Southeast Africa will enable a process of give and take on several levels. Local stakeholders have given their blessing for what could be considered a pivotal part of local and national healthcare in the region.
Initial SIte Overlay
Initial Program
Site and Program as optimized
View from roof canopy and garden.
Forecourt at main entrance opposite children’s school
Courtyard at day school and academy residences with available views from elevated gardens and pathways.
Courtyard at Main Complex Entry.
Not unlike a modern airport arrivals terminal, the proposed medical center would front-load the program as a cohesive corridor, giving increased security at controlled entry points while at the same time being a welcome visual and physical approach for patients and visitors. The proliferation of sunflower crops are used as a traditional consumable as well as for use in pharmaceuticals and as a robust soil cleanser. Local farmers will have an opportunity to collaborate and manage the land around the complex.