FRAME: The Next Space Think-tank, Eindhoven, 2021
The Next Space - The Resilient City - YouTube
HTDSTUDIO founder Howard Duffy participated in the think-tank/discussion series ‘The Next Space’ hosted by design magazine FRAME in Eindhoven, The Netherlands with colleagues from around the world to brainstorm and debate our world after COVID.
FRAME founder Robert Thiemann moderated many important and compelling conversations both live and online with leaders in the fields of medical technology, design, environment and agriculture to frame the workshop where participants were given the opportunity to devise what the ideal future environment could look like, given what we now know about living during an as yet to be vanquished pandemic.
The photo gallery below chronicles the happenings, interactions and phases of the event from beginning to end. A white paper was also created from all of the data gathered during the various roundtable discussions during the event.
All images ©TWYCER, NL